Find co op news reviews and more info about this game.
Watch dogs legion 4 player co op. The online multiplayer part of watch dogs legion will arrive on december 3 and allow between 2 4 players to make a mess of landaan. However specific co op missions are added to a game s world once players have teamed up together. The multiplayer for watch dogs legion comes in the form of online co op. According to ubisoft the watch dogs legion online multiplayer lets.
Ubisoft took to its official watch dogs legion website to explain in a little detail what the watch dogs legion co op will be. The second of all multiplayer game modes in watch dogs. It allows up to four players to team up together in one game world. Dying to other players in pvp matches is the norm but the latest trailer shows that other players can kill you in watch dogs.
Four player online co op is supported in co op mode to explore. According to developers at ubisoft toronto the game s expansive selection of co op missions. Ubisoft s online co op for watch dogs legion reportedly allows up to four players with dedicated content available. With the promise of a four player co op mode now on the table the wait until next march for watch dogs legion to drop is going to feel long.
New missions are being added specifically designed for co op play with a team so hopefully we ll be seeing some. Welcome to xbox battle grounds team up with your real life mates in co op mode to explore dedicated online content and missions and exciting side activities. Legion allows you to join up with friends in co op mode letting you explore all of london with your pals. Co op gameplay information about watch dogs.
Legion on playstation 4. Legion co op multiplayer too. Once together they can take on any missions they want. This is a straightforward game mode.
It ll be part of a post release update that will add new single. The watch dogs legion.