The next call of duty modern warfare update could be a big one for cod warzone fans across ps4 xbox one and pc.
Call of duty warzone update today. Download for free on ps4 xbox one and pc. Huge call of duty update today new guns map modes and warzone changes revealed. Warzone patch notes today includes new ways to jump around the map in season 6. A big playlist update is coming to call of duty modern warfare this week with the cod warzone halloween event set to end across ps4 xbox one and pc.
08 14 tue nov 3 2020. In other news call of duty warzone shames suspected cheaters by forcing them to play against each other. By gary jones published. Warzone patch notes today a new call of duty modern warfare update is expected to be released this week of october 2020.
The cod warzone gamers are expecting that a season 6 bug fix has been included.