There is a temporary server queue enabled to prevent a massive surge of players from connecting to the servers.
Call of duty warzone queue. Gamers trying to play call of duty modern warfare and cod warzone tonight are reporting being kicked from games. A new update was just rolled out by infinity ward with one major change being a new solos mode. If all is well the page will display a green checkmark with the all platforms online message. It should let you online shortly.
Warzone players might notice a server queue as they load up modern warfare. Warzone from the dropdown box and click refresh underneath. There may be a server queue getting into warzone right because of how many people logged on at the same time with solos going live. Starting today many call of duty.
Activision call of duty. This includes being prompted to download a new update with no patch being found. This is then followed by call of duty warzone queues which last around two minutes.