Recently symfuhny and his squad broke a world record on call of duty warzone.
Call of duty warzone 78 kills. Nuevo video de call of dtuy modern warfare warzone. Juegos digitales y tarjetas prepago baratas. Hailing with an unbelievable 121 kills acquired by the four players. But it ll be pretty tricky to get near this insane body count.
Call of duty mobile legendary battle royale player parkertheslayer live 2 306 watching live now meet the 1 cod warzone sniper my best game duration. Download for free on ps4 xbox one and pc. The team of symfuhny tylerteepee dougisraw and huskerrs broke the all time kill record in warzone. But some players seem to be better than others at acquiring a lot of them in a match.
Modern warfare s warzone there s plenty of opportunity to rack up a decent amount of kills. Call of duty squad set a new warzone record with 78 kills. With 150 players parachuting their way into each game of call of duty. Warzone was officially released over 3 months ago and the skill of players has increased so much since then.
Experience two epic game modes with one massive map in the best battle royale game in call of duty modern warfare s warzone. Submit your clips here.