It seems like however the teases and announcements.
Call of duty warzone 4v4. The total prize pool is 50 00. The total prize pool is 25 00. Warzone massive combat arena battle royale and plunder. Play call of duty.
4v4 style single elimination two games per round the team with the highest combined kills from games 1 2 advances the tie breaker is average placement from the two matches played the grand finals will also be based on combined kills. Call of duty. Call of duty call of duty league returning to 4v4 format for 2021 season. If any malicious behavior is reported you will be removed from the tournament.
Custom in game tactical knife. Please be respectful to your host and other participants. 500 guaranteed prize with minimum of 7 teams registered. Play call of duty.
3 000 call of duty points that can be redeemed in game for the battle pass all ghillied up crew expendable and war pig operator packs xrk weapon pack digital item. Every team over 7 teams will add 60 to the. Please be on time for your registration and for the actual tournament. Warzone in our na 50 free entry 4v4 odd man out 1nd on may 5 2020.
Warzone in our 25 free entry 4v4 odd man out 1nd x1 ps4 on october 22 2020. Warzone tournament hosted by anarchy2020.